Jun 22, 2018
This episode of the Korea Now podcast features an interview that Jed Lea-Henry conducted with Jonson Porteux. They speak about the spectrum of organised crime in South Korea, its ancient origins, its development through time, the important role mafia-type groups have played in the state building efforts of modern Korea, and importantly, the current structure, reach and activities of the Korean mafia.
Jonson Porteux is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Kansai Gaidai University in Osaka, Japan, and specializes in East Asia, Comparative Politics, and International Relations. As part of his PhD dissertation, Jonson spent a year doing research with politicians, law enforcement officials, and inside the Korean mafia itself, exploring how the Korean state interacts with these criminal gangs. (Jonson Porteux’s website: http://www.porteux.org/).
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