Jun 25, 2018
This episode of the Korea Now podcast features an interview that Jed Lea-Henry conducted with Laurel Kendall. They speak about Laurel’s anthropological field work since the late 1970’s with Korean Shamans, the shifting dynamics of the religion in a rapidly changing nation, and the impact that capitalism and intense market competition has had on its practice.
Laurel Kendall is the Curator of Asian Ethnology and Division Chair at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), as well as a Professor of Anthropology at the Richard Gilder Graduate School. With nearly four decades of working experience with Korean Shamans, Laurel has published numerous books and articles – this podcast is based around her 1996 article, ‘Korean Shamans and the Spirits of Capitalism’ and her 2009 book, ‘Shamans, nostalgias, and the IMF : South Korean popular religion in motion’. (Laurel Kendall’s AMNH webpage: https://www.amnh.org/our-research/staff-directory/laurel-kendall/).
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