Oct 20, 2018
This episode of the Korea Now podcast features an interview that Jed Lea-Henry conducted with retired Major-General Urs Gerber. They speak about the Korean Armistice Agreement, how this agreement governs the ceasefire between the two Korea’s, the nature of the Demilitarized Zone, what life is like working in the border village of Panmunjom, how border tensions should be properly contextualized, and the difficulties in monitoring and enforcing the Korean Armistice Agreement.
Major-General Urs Gerber has an educational background in history, has served as an intelligence officer under the Swiss Ministry of Defense, was the Head of the Armed Forces’ Security Cooperation between Euroatlantic States, and importantly for this podcast, from 2012 until his retirement last year Urs Gerber was the Head of the Swiss Delegation of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC), charged with monitoring the Korean Armistice Agreement inside the Demilitarized Zone. Urs is now the Editor-in-Chief of Military Power Revue.
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