Apr 29, 2018
This episode of the Korea Now podcast features an interview that Jed Lea-Henry conducted with Daniel Sneider. In the wake of the Inter-Korean summit, they speak about the dangers inherent in such high-level talks, the strategic risk of jumping straight to a meeting of heads-of-state, and the very real prospect that these talks, despite lofty declarations, will lead to war.
Daniel Sneider is a visiting scholar at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center at Stanford University, where he directs a comparative study of historical memory and nationalism in East Asia. Working on security and policy issues relating to Korea and Japan, Daniel has been the National Asia Research Fellow of the Woodrow Wilson International Center, and the editor of ‘History Textbooks and the Wars in Asia: Divided Memories’ and ‘Cross Currents: Regionalism and Nationalism in Northeast Asia’.
Daniel’s journalistic career started in Tokyo with the Christian Science Monitor, covering Japan and Korea from 1985-1990. He was the Moscow Bureau Chief of the Monitor from 1990-1994, and was San Francisco Bureau Chief until 1997. From 1998-2006, he worked for the San Jose Mercury News, and was syndicated on the Knight Ridder Tribune wire service. He now writes regularly for Toyo Keizai Online (the fourth largest digital news source in Japan), and pertinent to this interview, he is the author of the article ‘A Declaration Of Peace That Leads To War’ (https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/218364).
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